Author: Sijin Yu
[1] Ali Hatamizadeh, Vishwesh Nath, Yucheng Tang, Dong Yang, Holger R. Roth, and Daguang Xu. Swin UNETR: Swin Transformers for Semantic Segmentation of Brain Tumors in MRI Images. MICCAI, 2022.
[论文笔记] Swin UNETR 论文笔记: MRI 图像脑肿瘤语义分割1. Abstract2. Motivation & Contribution2.1 Motivation2.2 Contribution3. Model4. Experiment4.1 Dataset4.2 对比实验5. Code5.1 数据预处理和增强5.2 Swin UNETR 模型架构5.2.1 SwinTransformer5.2.2 UnetrBasicBlock5.2.3 UnetrUpBlock5.2.4 UnetOutBlock
脑肿瘤的语义分割是一项基本的医学影像分析任务, 涉及多种 MRI 成像模态, 可协助临床医生诊断病人并随后研究恶性实体的进展.
近年来, 完全卷积神经网络 (Fully Convolutional Neural Networks, FCNNs) 方法已成为 3D 医学影像分割的事实标准.
流行的 “U形” 网络架构在不同的 2D 和 3D 语义分割任务以及各种成像模式上实现了最先进的性能基准.
然而, 由于 FCNNs 中卷积层的核大小有限, 它们在建模长距离信息方面的性能是次优的, 这可能导致在分割大小不一的肿瘤时出现缺陷.
另一方面, Transformer 模型在多个领域展示了捕获长距离信息的卓越能力, 包括自然语言处理和计算机视觉.
受 ViT 及其变体成功的启发, 我们提出了一种名为 Swin UNEt TRansformers (Swin UNETR) 的新型分割模型.
具体来说, 3D 脑肿瘤语义分割任务被重新定义为序列到序列预测问题, 其中多模态输入数据被投影成一维嵌入序列, 并用作层级 Swin 变换器编码器的输入.
Swin Transformer 编码器使用移位窗口计算自注意力, 在五个不同的分辨率上提取特征, 并通过跳跃连接在每个分辨率上连接到基于FCNN 的解码器.
我们参加了 2021 年 BraTS 分割挑战赛, 我们提出的模型在验证阶段位列表现最佳的方法之一.
在医疗保健的人工智能领域, 特别是脑肿瘤分析中, 需要更先进的分割技术来准确划定肿瘤, 以便诊断和术前规划.
当前基于 CNN 的脑肿瘤分割方法由于其小感受野, 难以捕捉长距离依赖关系.
ViTs 在捕捉各种领域的长距离信息方面显示出潜力, 暗示其在改善医学图像分割中的适用性.
提出了一种新型架构, Swin UNEt TRansformers (Swin UNETR), 结合了 Swin Transformer 编码器与 U 形 CNN 解码器, 用于多模态三维脑肿瘤分割.
在 2021 年多模态脑肿瘤分割挑战 (BraTS) 中展示了 Swin UNETR 模型的有效性, 验证阶段取得了排名靠前的成绩, 并在测试中表现出竞争力.
将输入的图像打成 Patch.
则图像变为一个 Patch 的序列, 序列长度为
在本文中, Patch size 为
对于每个 patch, 将其映射为一个嵌入维度为
对 3D tokens 应用 Swin Transformer.
一层 Swin Transformer Block 由两个子层组成: W-MSA, SW-MSA.
经过一层 Swin Transformer Block, 一个 3D tokens 每个方向上的分辨率变为原来的
W-MSA 和 SW-MSA 分别是规则的、循环移动的 partitioning multi-head self-attention, 如下图所示.
BraTS 2021
以下链接提供了使用Swin UNETR模型进行BraTS21脑肿瘤分割的教程:
421from monai import transforms
3train_transform = transforms.Compose(
4 [
5 # 读入图像
6 transforms.LoadImaged(keys=["image", "label"]),
8 # 将单通道的标签图像转换成多通道格式, 每个通道表示不同的肿瘤类别. (转换前是所有类别标签图共用一个单通道图像) transforms.ConvertToMultiChannelBasedOnBratsClassesd(keys="label"),
9 # 裁剪掉图像周围的背景区域
10 transforms.CropForegroundd(
11 keys=["image", "label"],
12 source_key="image",
13 k_divisible=[roi[0], roi[1], roi[2]],
14 ),
15 # 将图像随机裁剪为指定大小
16 transforms.RandSpatialCropd(
17 keys=["image", "label"],
18 roi_size=[roi[0], roi[1], roi[2]],
19 random_size=False,
20 ),
21 # 在0轴方向上随机翻转
22 transforms.RandFlipd(keys=["image", "label"], prob=0.5, spatial_axis=0),
23 # 在1轴方向上随机翻转
24 transforms.RandFlipd(keys=["image", "label"], prob=0.5, spatial_axis=1),
25 # 在2轴方向上随机翻转
26 transforms.RandFlipd(keys=["image", "label"], prob=0.5, spatial_axis=2),
27 # 对每个单独通道, 进行强度归一化, 且忽略0值
28 transforms.NormalizeIntensityd(keys="image", nonzero=True, channel_wise=True),
29 # 随机调整图像的强度, img = img * (1 + eps)
30 transforms.RandScaleIntensityd(keys="image", factors=0.1, prob=1.0),
31 # 随机调整图像的强度, img = img + eps
32 transforms.RandShiftIntensityd(keys="image", offsets=0.1, prob=1.0),
33 ]
36val_transform = transforms.Compose(
37 [
38 transforms.LoadImaged(keys=["image", "label"]),
39 transforms.ConvertToMultiChannelBasedOnBratsClassesd(keys="label"),
40 transforms.NormalizeIntensityd(keys="image", nonzero=True, channel_wise=True),
41 ]
161def forward(self, x_in):
2 if not torch.jit.is_scripting():
3 self._check_input_size(x_in.shape[2:])
4 hidden_states_out = self.swinViT(x_in, self.normalize)
5 enc0 = self.encoder1(x_in)
6 enc1 = self.encoder2(hidden_states_out[0])
7 enc2 = self.encoder3(hidden_states_out[1])
8 enc3 = self.encoder4(hidden_states_out[2])
9 dec4 = self.encoder10(hidden_states_out[4])
10 dec3 = self.decoder5(dec4, hidden_states_out[3])
11 dec2 = self.decoder4(dec3, enc3)
12 dec1 = self.decoder3(dec2, enc2)
13 dec0 = self.decoder2(dec1, enc1)
14 out = self.decoder1(dec0, enc0)
15 logits = self.out(out)
16 return logits
1211self.normalize = normalize
3self.swinViT = SwinTransformer(
4 in_chans=in_channels,
5 embed_dim=feature_size,
6 window_size=window_size,
7 patch_size=patch_sizes,
8 depths=depths,
9 num_heads=num_heads,
10 mlp_ratio=4.0,
11 qkv_bias=True,
12 drop_rate=drop_rate,
13 attn_drop_rate=attn_drop_rate,
14 drop_path_rate=dropout_path_rate,
15 norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
16 use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
17 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
18 downsample=look_up_option(downsample, MERGING_MODE) if isinstance(downsample, str) else downsample,
19 use_v2=use_v2,
22self.encoder1 = UnetrBasicBlock(
23 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
24 in_channels=in_channels,
25 out_channels=feature_size,
26 kernel_size=3,
27 stride=1,
28 norm_name=norm_name,
29 res_block=True,
32self.encoder2 = UnetrBasicBlock(
33 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
34 in_channels=feature_size,
35 out_channels=feature_size,
36 kernel_size=3,
37 stride=1,
38 norm_name=norm_name,
39 res_block=True,
42self.encoder3 = UnetrBasicBlock(
43 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
44 in_channels=2 * feature_size,
45 out_channels=2 * feature_size,
46 kernel_size=3,
47 stride=1,
48 norm_name=norm_name,
49 res_block=True,
52self.encoder4 = UnetrBasicBlock(
53 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
54 in_channels=4 * feature_size,
55 out_channels=4 * feature_size,
56 kernel_size=3,
57 stride=1,
58 norm_name=norm_name,
59 res_block=True,
62self.encoder10 = UnetrBasicBlock(
63 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
64 in_channels=16 * feature_size,
65 out_channels=16 * feature_size,
66 kernel_size=3,
67 stride=1,
68 norm_name=norm_name,
69 res_block=True,
72self.decoder5 = UnetrUpBlock(
73 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
74 in_channels=16 * feature_size,
75 out_channels=8 * feature_size,
76 kernel_size=3,
77 upsample_kernel_size=2,
78 norm_name=norm_name,
79 res_block=True,
82self.decoder4 = UnetrUpBlock(
83 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
84 in_channels=feature_size * 8,
85 out_channels=feature_size * 4,
86 kernel_size=3,
87 upsample_kernel_size=2,
88 norm_name=norm_name,
89 res_block=True,
92self.decoder3 = UnetrUpBlock(
93 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
94 in_channels=feature_size * 4,
95 out_channels=feature_size * 2,
96 kernel_size=3,
97 upsample_kernel_size=2,
98 norm_name=norm_name,
99 res_block=True,
101self.decoder2 = UnetrUpBlock(
102 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
103 in_channels=feature_size * 2,
104 out_channels=feature_size,
105 kernel_size=3,
106 upsample_kernel_size=2,
107 norm_name=norm_name,
108 res_block=True,
111self.decoder1 = UnetrUpBlock(
112 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
113 in_channels=feature_size,
114 out_channels=feature_size,
115 kernel_size=3,
116 upsample_kernel_size=2,
117 norm_name=norm_name,
118 res_block=True,
121self.out = UnetOutBlock(spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=feature_size, out_channels=out_channels)
1551class SwinTransformer(nn.Module):
2 """
3 Swin Transformer based on: "Liu et al.,
4 Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows
5 <>"
7 """
9 def __init__(
10 self,
11 in_chans: int,
12 embed_dim: int,
13 window_size: Sequence[int],
14 patch_size: Sequence[int],
15 depths: Sequence[int],
16 num_heads: Sequence[int],
17 mlp_ratio: float = 4.0,
18 qkv_bias: bool = True,
19 drop_rate: float = 0.0,
20 attn_drop_rate: float = 0.0,
21 drop_path_rate: float = 0.0,
22 norm_layer: type[LayerNorm] = nn.LayerNorm,
23 patch_norm: bool = False,
24 use_checkpoint: bool = False,
25 spatial_dims: int = 3,
26 downsample="merging",
27 use_v2=False,
28 ) -> None:
29 """
30 Args:
31 in_chans: dimension of input channels.
32 embed_dim: number of linear projection output channels.
33 window_size: local window size.
34 patch_size: patch size.
35 depths: number of layers in each stage.
36 num_heads: number of attention heads.
37 mlp_ratio: ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
38 qkv_bias: add a learnable bias to query, key, value.
39 drop_rate: dropout rate.
40 attn_drop_rate: attention dropout rate.
41 drop_path_rate: stochastic depth rate.
42 norm_layer: normalization layer.
43 patch_norm: add normalization after patch embedding.
44 use_checkpoint: use gradient checkpointing for reduced memory usage.
45 spatial_dims: spatial dimension.
46 downsample: module used for downsampling, available options are `"mergingv2"`, `"merging"` and a
47 user-specified `nn.Module` following the API defined in :py:class:`monai.networks.nets.PatchMerging`.
48 The default is currently `"merging"` (the original version defined in v0.9.0).
49 use_v2: using swinunetr_v2, which adds a residual convolution block at the beginning of each swin stage.
50 """
51 super().__init__()
52 self.num_layers = len(depths)
53 self.embed_dim = embed_dim
54 self.patch_norm = patch_norm
55 self.window_size = window_size
56 self.patch_size = patch_size
57 self.patch_embed = PatchEmbed(
58 patch_size=self.patch_size,
59 in_chans=in_chans,
60 embed_dim=embed_dim,
61 norm_layer=norm_layer if self.patch_norm else None, # type: ignore
62 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
63 )
64 self.pos_drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop_rate)
65 dpr = [x.item() for x in torch.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, sum(depths))]
66 self.use_v2 = use_v2
67 self.layers1 = nn.ModuleList()
68 self.layers2 = nn.ModuleList()
69 self.layers3 = nn.ModuleList()
70 self.layers4 = nn.ModuleList()
71 if self.use_v2:
72 self.layers1c = nn.ModuleList()
73 self.layers2c = nn.ModuleList()
74 self.layers3c = nn.ModuleList()
75 self.layers4c = nn.ModuleList()
76 down_sample_mod = look_up_option(downsample, MERGING_MODE) if isinstance(downsample, str) else downsample
77 for i_layer in range(self.num_layers):
78 layer = BasicLayer(
79 dim=int(embed_dim * 2**i_layer),
80 depth=depths[i_layer],
81 num_heads=num_heads[i_layer],
82 window_size=self.window_size,
83 drop_path=dpr[sum(depths[:i_layer]) : sum(depths[: i_layer + 1])],
84 mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
85 qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
86 drop=drop_rate,
87 attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
88 norm_layer=norm_layer,
89 downsample=down_sample_mod,
90 use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
91 )
92 if i_layer == 0:
93 self.layers1.append(layer)
94 elif i_layer == 1:
95 self.layers2.append(layer)
96 elif i_layer == 2:
97 self.layers3.append(layer)
98 elif i_layer == 3:
99 self.layers4.append(layer)
100 if self.use_v2:
101 layerc = UnetrBasicBlock(
102 spatial_dims=3,
103 in_channels=embed_dim * 2**i_layer,
104 out_channels=embed_dim * 2**i_layer,
105 kernel_size=3,
106 stride=1,
107 norm_name="instance",
108 res_block=True,
109 )
110 if i_layer == 0:
111 self.layers1c.append(layerc)
112 elif i_layer == 1:
113 self.layers2c.append(layerc)
114 elif i_layer == 2:
115 self.layers3c.append(layerc)
116 elif i_layer == 3:
117 self.layers4c.append(layerc)
118 self.num_features = int(embed_dim * 2 ** (self.num_layers - 1))
120 def proj_out(self, x, normalize=False):
121 if normalize:
122 x_shape = x.size()
123 if len(x_shape) == 5:
124 n, ch, d, h, w = x_shape
125 x = rearrange(x, "n c d h w -> n d h w c")
126 x = F.layer_norm(x, [ch])
127 x = rearrange(x, "n d h w c -> n c d h w")
128 elif len(x_shape) == 4:
129 n, ch, h, w = x_shape
130 x = rearrange(x, "n c h w -> n h w c")
131 x = F.layer_norm(x, [ch])
132 x = rearrange(x, "n h w c -> n c h w")
133 return x
135 def forward(self, x, normalize=True):
136 x0 = self.patch_embed(x)
137 x0 = self.pos_drop(x0)
138 x0_out = self.proj_out(x0, normalize)
139 if self.use_v2:
140 x0 = self.layers1c[0](x0.contiguous())
141 x1 = self.layers1[0](x0.contiguous())
142 x1_out = self.proj_out(x1, normalize)
143 if self.use_v2:
144 x1 = self.layers2c[0](x1.contiguous())
145 x2 = self.layers2[0](x1.contiguous())
146 x2_out = self.proj_out(x2, normalize)
147 if self.use_v2:
148 x2 = self.layers3c[0](x2.contiguous())
149 x3 = self.layers3[0](x2.contiguous())
150 x3_out = self.proj_out(x3, normalize)
151 if self.use_v2:
152 x3 = self.layers4c[0](x3.contiguous())
153 x4 = self.layers4[0](x3.contiguous())
154 x4_out = self.proj_out(x4, normalize)
155 return [x0_out, x1_out, x2_out, x3_out, x4_out]
501class UnetrBasicBlock(nn.Module):
2 """
3 A CNN module that can be used for UNETR, based on: "Hatamizadeh et al.,
4 UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation <>"
5 """
7 def __init__(
8 self,
9 spatial_dims: int,
10 in_channels: int,
11 out_channels: int,
12 kernel_size: Sequence[int] | int,
13 stride: Sequence[int] | int,
14 norm_name: tuple | str,
15 res_block: bool = False,
16 ) -> None:
17 """
18 Args:
19 spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions.
20 in_channels: number of input channels.
21 out_channels: number of output channels.
22 kernel_size: convolution kernel size.
23 stride: convolution stride.
24 norm_name: feature normalization type and arguments.
25 res_block: bool argument to determine if residual block is used.
26 """
28 super().__init__()
30 if res_block:
31 self.layer = UnetResBlock(
32 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
33 in_channels=in_channels,
34 out_channels=out_channels,
35 kernel_size=kernel_size,
36 stride=stride,
37 norm_name=norm_name,
38 )
39 else:
40 self.layer = UnetBasicBlock( # type: ignore
41 spatial_dims=spatial_dims,
42 in_channels=in_channels,
43 out_channels=out_channels,
44 kernel_size=kernel_size,
45 stride=stride,
46 norm_name=norm_name,
47 )
49 def forward(self, inp):
50 return self.layer(inp)
631class UnetrUpBlock(nn.Module):
2 """
3 An upsampling module that can be used for UNETR: "Hatamizadeh et al.,
4 UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation <>"
5 """
7 def __init__(
8 self,
9 spatial_dims: int,
10 in_channels: int,
11 out_channels: int,
12 kernel_size: Sequence[int] | int,
13 upsample_kernel_size: Sequence[int] | int,
14 norm_name: tuple | str,
15 res_block: bool = False,
16 ) -> None:
17 """
18 Args:
19 spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions.
20 in_channels: number of input channels.
21 out_channels: number of output channels.
22 kernel_size: convolution kernel size.
23 upsample_kernel_size: convolution kernel size for transposed convolution layers.
24 norm_name: feature normalization type and arguments.
25 res_block: bool argument to determine if residual block is used.
26 """
27 super().__init__()
28 upsample_stride = upsample_kernel_size
29 self.transp_conv = get_conv_layer(
30 spatial_dims,
31 in_channels,
32 out_channels,
33 kernel_size=upsample_kernel_size,
34 stride=upsample_stride,
35 conv_only=True,
36 is_transposed=True,
37 )
39 if res_block:
40 self.conv_block = UnetResBlock(
41 spatial_dims,
42 out_channels + out_channels,
43 out_channels,
44 kernel_size=kernel_size,
45 stride=1,
46 norm_name=norm_name,
47 )
48 else:
49 self.conv_block = UnetBasicBlock( # type: ignore
50 spatial_dims,
51 out_channels + out_channels,
52 out_channels,
53 kernel_size=kernel_size,
54 stride=1,
55 norm_name=norm_name,
56 )
58 def forward(self, inp, skip):
59 # number of channels for skip should equals to out_channels
60 out = self.transp_conv(inp)
61 out =, skip), dim=1)
62 out = self.conv_block(out)
63 return out
201class UnetOutBlock(nn.Module):
2 def __init__(
3 self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, dropout: tuple | str | float | None = None
4 ):
5 super().__init__()
6 self.conv = get_conv_layer(
7 spatial_dims,
8 in_channels,
9 out_channels,
10 kernel_size=1,
11 stride=1,
12 dropout=dropout,
13 bias=True,
14 act=None,
15 norm=None,
16 conv_only=False,
17 )
19 def forward(self, inp):
20 return self.conv(inp)